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Checklist for Parents of Teens

Make it through the gauntlet and a world of satisfaction awaits you!

Mike Treanor
3 min readFeb 24, 2021


I was writing my response to Sky Collection quote prompt №27 by Samantha Lazar and thought I would include this. It seemed to me that it strays a bit too far from the format of that collection so I created this separate post.

People seem to love lists nowadays, so here is mine: If any parents of teens are feeling the terrible impending doom as you watch these horribly overconfident and underskilled people wander around the world bumping into every possible obstacle, here is the good news from the other side of the finish line:

  1. They are listening but don’t ever expect acknowledgment. What you will get instead, and it is tremendously satisfying, is to watch them repeat every word you ever said to them, with the same passion, once they turn 25(ish).
  2. They are watching every move you make. They will copy you even if neither you nor they want them to. Treat everyone with respect. Be kind and compassionate, especially with yourself.
  3. Daughters will look for someone who treats them like their father. Sons will look for someone who treats them like their mother. … in many of the important “behavioral” ways.
  4. Daughters will become their mothers and sons become…



Mike Treanor

Mike is a software developer, chemist, motivational speaker, parent, and musician who writes about creativity and human nature.